Monday, April 20, 2009

Are you willing?

So, its been a long time since I have blogged. I have no idea why either. All I do know is that I have had this huge urge to blog the last few days and especially tonight. I think I just miss the writing.

You know, God is awesome. It seems like He requires so much, and he does, but the more and more you fall in love with Him, I am convinced that it becomes a desire to give to Him. I think it becomes a passion and urge that you want to give up more and serve more and just give it all to Him.

I think one of the biggest reasons that serving Christ and giving everything I am to God has really been in my brain a lot lately is because of my mentor Ron Wilson. I know some of you know him or have at least met him or heard him speak, but to me he is a mentor and even like a father. I just have to tell you how much I look up to him. So, he came to Eastwood when I was a sophomore in high school. He came in at a time in my life where I was almost apathetic spiritually. I loved Jesus, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't doing anything for Him. I wasn't living to worship. I was living for myself and that's it. So, Ron came to Eastwood and my world was turned upside down.

I don't know what it is, but I truly look up to him. He has constantly challenged me, I feel like he knows me. I feel like he can read me like a book and know what I am thinking. When he came, I was bitter about some things that had happened within our youth group beforehand, but once he took me into a Discipleship Group and got me to focus on the cross of Jesus, I feel like I let go of some of the bitterness I was holding onto and this allowed me to spiritually grow.

Its funny, because Ron is leaving now to follow his call to missions with his wife Keri and their kids, and I feel like I am learning more now that he is leaving than I ever have before. The reason I say this is because while he was my youth minister while I was in high school, he constantly preached obedience. He preached that we have to be willing to lay it all down for Christ. EVERYTHING! So, with his decision to go to the mission field, he has done something that words can't do. You know how they say actions speak louder than words. Well, they do. He and Keri are giving it all up! They are giving up comfort, a good home, a good life, good schooling for their kids, and good church, and good environment, and almost anything you can name to go to work for an organization known as Next WorldWide. They are not sure where they are going to live, where their kids are going to school, where they are going to go to church, and even how they are going to have money to live. He has to raise 100% of his support. All they know is that they are trusting God to provide.

By Ron giving up it all, he has practiced what he has preached all along. He showed me that he is a true Christ-like man. Not that I didn't think so before, but now when I think about a Godly man, I think about my mentor and his wife. (I consider her a mentor too.)

Not to put him on a pedestal, but I feel like this situation has made me take a long hard look at Jesus and Calvary. Jesus gave the ultimate. We often down-play what Jesus gave. We are so selfish that we can hardly give up a computer, or a cell-phone, or even 5 dollars to help out someone in need. BUT, Jesus gave not just possessions and comfort, but HIS LIFE! He died, for us. So, how in the world can I do anything but give all of me to Him. I think that in all of this God has been teaching me that I need to be willing to sacrifice all I have and I am for Him. Who knows the future, I might not ever be called to the foreign mission field like Ron and Keri, or maybe I will be, but all I know is I am going to do my best to give all of me to Christ. I am willing... are you?

for His name and His renown,
