Monday, December 7, 2009

I Wonder Part 1

I wonder...
1. Are we so focused on "doing" things for God, that we are not focused on our relationship with God?
2. Do we seek forgiveness because we are truly sorry for the sin in our lives and because we truly want a right relationship with God, or do we seek forgiveness because we are afraid of punishment that results from sin?
3. Do we truly trust God will all we have?
* You know, I used to worry all the time about small things. Truth be told, I still do. But, I have come to a recent realization. If I can trust God with my soul and its eternal destination, then surely I can trust Him with anything and everything that can and will come my way on this earth. Why should I worry about my life (which by the way isn't mine - Galatians 2:20) if God even cares about the Sparrow.
4. Do we truly believe that God is going to do what we ask Him to do?
5. Do we truly worship with our lives and let the Holy Spirit live in and through us?
6. Why do we find it so hard to forgive ourselves of things we have done, and worry that God won't forgive us either?
*Isn't that saying Christ's death wasn't good enough for us?*
7. Why do we spend more on insurance than on benevolence?
8. Are we really preaching the Gospel on a daily basis if there are almost 85,000 people who don't even attend church in Warren County alone?
9. Why do some of us think that if you are Christian you cannot be involved in politics and cannot be patriotic?
*Isn't God the Creator and Sustainer of this great country? Doesn't He want us to praise His handy-work and be involved in being good stewards of it? If we are supposed to submit to authority, then why can't we help choose those who are going to be the authority? Lastly, why would we support a non-Christian for any place in government? How is a non-Christian supposed to shepherd the Church and this country? GOD BLESS AMERICA*
10. Lastly, why do we read Scripture and ignore what it says?

You want the answer? Here it is... we are SINNERS! Praise the Lord for His everlasting forgiveness, grace, mercy, and love. Praise Jesus the Christ for laying down His life for us. I pray that we truly look into God's word on a daily basis and then look at our lives to see if they match up. May the Holy Spirit move in and through us. May we be non-contented people of faith simply waiting to arise for our King.

In, through, and because of Christ,
