Monday, September 22, 2008

Just Some Scripture and my thoughts

So, I started reading through James, and I got to the end of the first chapter, and I was like wow...

James 1: 26-27

"If anyone thinks he is religious, without controlling his tongue but deceiving his heart, his religion is useless.  Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

Hopefully, you just had the wow moment that I did.  I read this, and I was like "Jesus, is this how I think of myself?"  I was like, man I really need to change some things.  Its like sometimes I just do things because I think they are the Christian thing to do, and not because what I am compelled to do, or feel like Christ is leading me to do.  I really feel that God is trying to show me that it is not about being  uplifted or always upholding a certain image.  I really pray that I work on being Christ in all aspects.  The good and bad. I mean that even on my bad days, I need to lean on Christ and not try to make it like I'm okay and I've got it all together.  As embark on this new journey, I pray that my Faith will be tested and stand true.  I pray that I will seek his face everyday and in every circumstance.  I pray that HIS will, will be the one that I seek.  I truly want the LORD to be my focus, and I want to be Jesus Christ to the lost world.  May I truly be His light in the darkness.  May I truly live for HIM.  May my Faith be strengthened daily, and may I take heart in the fact that MY SAVIOR has overcome the world.  He is risen!  He is alive!  He is on HIS throne!  MY HE BE EXALTED!  

In Christ and because of Christ,