Monday, December 7, 2009
I Wonder Part 1
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ready, Set, Go!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Are you willing?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Be Still
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Just Plain Thankful...
You know, even as I am sitting here typing what I am about to say... Satan is trying to prevent me from doing it. He is trying to throw me a curve ball to completely change the intent of this message. He wants me to not feel the way I do, and I REFUSE to let him have any power. God, give me the power over Satan. Remove him from where I am. Remove his power and influence. Help me to focus on Your face.
So, I originally started writing this blog to talk about thankfulness. And how, sitting in this moment and today, I just have been a sense of thankfulness. I have just been noticing so many small details of my life and how much I appreciate them and how blessed I am. Writing this blog, I am not sitting in the typical place that I usually am. I am usually sitting in the comfort of my own dorm room sitting in front of my laptop. However, this time, I am sitting in the office at the BCM. I was sitting here on facebook before doing some fun stuff, when I just got this urge to get these pressing feelings out. I am just plain thankful. That's what I just set my facebook status as. I was thinking how I know that not many things have gone "wrong" today. How I have had such a glorious day. You know, but then I got to thinking. No, not everything has gone "wrong" but I have had struggles. God just truly showed me yesterday that I do need to focus on Him and not put anything else above Him. I have been so guilty of that lately. But, today I have done my best to put God first.
As I am sitting here, I am enjoying listening to the "Tones of Joy" this amazing WKU choir that practices in the BCM on Thursday night. They are amazing. This has just added to how thankful I am. I am thankful that God blessed us with just amazingly different gifts. I am thankful that they can sing and I can sit here and enjoy it. I am also thankful for how much God let me work out my scedule after I fretted over a class that I should not have. God has just been amazingly apparent to me in the last few days and mostly just today. I love Him with all my heart. So to describe today... I am just plain thankful. Despite Satan and his attacks all day, now, and more to come later today, I am thankful for everything. Thank You, God. Thank you. That's is all I have to say. Despite struggles and trials, thank you. Again, Love me always, God. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In and because of Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Selfish Living or Selfless Living?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Not Another Jonah
So, in recent weeks and even months, I have been thinking alot about what God has in store for me this summer. I used to think that I was going to go to insurance school the first week after school let's out and take a test to get my insurance license. However, one day I was sitting in the BCM with my brother and Sarah Sprinkle, when Bobby started talking about the Philippines and the possibility of going back. I can't really explain what happened next. It was if God truly laid upon my heart that I need to do something for HIM this summer. After sitting frustrated on that couch for a little while, one of the BCM interns helped me to find the NAMB's website to find out opportunities for this summer.
I don't want to go into the details of the location or anything... but that day I really did know that God was telling me to do something. I just didn't know what. After a few weeks of thinking of this one location to go and serve go at... I decided to talk with my parents about the idea. Needless to say, I respect my parents with all my heart. For goodness sakes... they are the reason I am here. Well besides God obviously.
After talking to them, they didn't really give me much of a response other then they really weren't hot on the idea. Not because they don't want me to do what God wants me to do, but because they just had some general concerns and questions. Because I love and respect my parents... I didn't blow them off and say well I'm doing it anyway. I prayed that God would really not give me a peace if it wasn't meant to be. You know what? God is faithful to answer. I believe that God told me through circumstances and just life itself that maybe this place wasn't where he wanted me... however, I knew I was supposed to be serving Him somehow... someway. Here is the thing... I also prayed... Here am I... send me. Anywhere...
So, after a few days... I was still kinda clueless. I was like okay God, show me what you want me to do. I hadn't entirely ruled the option out... I just wanted to see where God would lead me. So, one night I was on facebook. While chatting with a good old friend and mentor... I believe God showed me what His plan was. No, I am not going to say I knew then... because I didn't. As of then, it was just another option.
After spending a lot of time in prayer and just fellowship with God, especially on vacation in the mtns. in TN, I feel like God has def. lead me to a conclusion. One part of the conclusion is that I can't make a wrong decision as long as I am seeking the Lord's will. I was lead to a verse in Isaiah that says... no matter if you turn to the left or right, you will hear a command behind you saying this is the way... walk in it. So, that is what I have decided to do. From prayer and consideration, I am hopefully going to follow the second option, which if it comes to be... I will share later.
So, the next step which is the second part of the conclusion is to talk to my parents about my decision. After weeks of waiting to tell my parents... I still haven't. But, God has told me in the last week that I def. need to. Because every conversation with one of my mentors... or every message I have hears preached... all have led me to think of this. Of how I know I need to serve HIM this summer, and how it is time to talk to the parents again.
So, how does the title fit? Not ANOTHER JONAH. I don't want to be like Jonah. I don't want to say no to God. I want to say yes. I don't want to be Jonah and run from God. I want to run to Him. I want to give Him all that I am, daily. May I in the days to have the wisdom of God in my decision and the boldness to talk to the parentals. God, here am I. Send me.
Matthew 16:24-25
Acts 1:8