Saturday, June 20, 2009


Something we all want.

So, I have now been serving in Beaverdam, VA for three weeks. I am now beginning my fourth week, but this week will be different. Today I headed up to Lynchburg, VA to be a camp staffer for the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia's yearly camp. It is going to be on the campus of Liberty University. I am so pumped! I am going to be part of the missions track which is going to be going out into the surrounding community to proclaim boldly the name of Jesus! I am so excited. I just can't wait for the students to arrive on Monday.

Now, back to that big bold word at the top. Power. Is there righteous power? Yes. The way to get it? Prayer.

The first three weeks that I have been up here have been absolutely amazing and life changing. God has blessed me beyond measure, and He has taught me so much. He has brought me through so much. I can't believe that three weeks are already gone. Probably one of the coolest things about Beaverdam Baptist (the church I serve at) is that when you walk in, or even drive by, you Know God is there. I mean here is this church that is in the middle of a building campaign that is going to multiply there current space by over 100%! It is going to more than double it in size. But the thing is, it is in the middle of no where! People are willing to drive over and hour to come worship and serve there. I couldn't believe it when I heard this.

Another reason that I am so excited to be serving at Beaverdam is because God is so evident. I almost have to ask the question, what is the church not doing. It does everything! It houses its own food pantry, hosts angel food, hosts AA meetings, reaches out to college students, has its own paintball ministry, has its own amazing prayer room, and as an amazing staff! The church knows what its purpose is. They have there fair share of problems, but they know that God will see them through them. I can't believe how unbelievable united they are. United for one purpose, Christ. What in the world!? I am so fired up! I just want my life to be a shouting exclamation of the goodness of God. I can't stand the stagnation. We have to move forward! We cannot be luke warm any more. It is time to stand up and get moving! It is time to trust. It is time to PRAY! Prayer = Power.

The biggest thing I have been taught it is that without prayer we have a dead ministry. The staff prays every morning together. The deacons pray with their regions. The people pray with each other and for each other. They pray for the lost. They pray for the saved. They pray for the Church. Thank God for His goodness. He has blessed me.

May we pray.



In, through, and because of Christ,


"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

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