Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just Plain Thankful...

So again, I just look before this blank screen and have all of these swirling emotions and thoughts of what I want to say going through my head. It is funny because at first I really felt that I wasn't going to do this blog thing much, but now that I have done it several times I feel like I am beginning to enjoy it. It kinda is like an escape. I feel like I can be who I want to be and say whatever. I can say what I am truly thinking.

You know, even as I am sitting here typing what I am about to say... Satan is trying to prevent me from doing it. He is trying to throw me a curve ball to completely change the intent of this message. He wants me to not feel the way I do, and I REFUSE to let him have any power. God, give me the power over Satan. Remove him from where I am. Remove his power and influence. Help me to focus on Your face.

So, I originally started writing this blog to talk about thankfulness. And how, sitting in this moment and today, I just have been a sense of thankfulness. I have just been noticing so many small details of my life and how much I appreciate them and how blessed I am. Writing this blog, I am not sitting in the typical place that I usually am. I am usually sitting in the comfort of my own dorm room sitting in front of my laptop. However, this time, I am sitting in the office at the BCM. I was sitting here on facebook before doing some fun stuff, when I just got this urge to get these pressing feelings out. I am just plain thankful. That's what I just set my facebook status as. I was thinking how I know that not many things have gone "wrong" today. How I have had such a glorious day. You know, but then I got to thinking. No, not everything has gone "wrong" but I have had struggles. God just truly showed me yesterday that I do need to focus on Him and not put anything else above Him. I have been so guilty of that lately. But, today I have done my best to put God first.

As I am sitting here, I am enjoying listening to the "Tones of Joy" this amazing WKU choir that practices in the BCM on Thursday night. They are amazing. This has just added to how thankful I am. I am thankful that God blessed us with just amazingly different gifts. I am thankful that they can sing and I can sit here and enjoy it. I am also thankful for how much God let me work out my scedule after I fretted over a class that I should not have. God has just been amazingly apparent to me in the last few days and mostly just today. I love Him with all my heart. So to describe today... I am just plain thankful. Despite Satan and his attacks all day, now, and more to come later today, I am thankful for everything. Thank You, God. Thank you. That's is all I have to say. Despite struggles and trials, thank you. Again, Love me always, God. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

In and because of Jesus Christ,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading what you had to say, I always like seeing what goes on in that head of yours....good thoughts and yes, I love ATJ too...:) They just shoot, amaze me, and their abilities and talents that the Lord has given them.